Every year we buy ourselves a copy of Madden, the best/only American football game in town, so we'll forgive them for the odd glitch here or there. 

This year we've seen a few though, and while we're sure the folks at EA aren't thrilled, they're pretty damn funny and have provided us with loads of entertainment. We saw the one of the flying player, but now the latest (and greatest) is definitely the tiny, little, itty-bitty lad who dreamed a dream and made his way to the NFL.

Despite standing just a few inches tall, he's still out there hustling, busting his proverbial, and making plays with the best of them out there. His tackling is not so great, given that players can quite literally step over/on him, but he's not going to give up. 

It just goes to show, never let that dream go, you can achieve anything if you give it your all.

Via Bleacher Report