You don't have to be the best driver in the world to know you should really keep your eyes open when you're behind the wheel. And keep your hands on the wheel. And generally not partake in video selfies when your car is in motion - you will crash. Fact. Observe.

Naturally enough, the video's gone viral - not because it's clever or unique, but because it's THE MOST STUPID THING YOU COULD EVER DO. To highlight this, people have been posting their own "spoof videos" like this one.

It's not really a 'spoof' video if they went ahead and did exactly the same thing... It just means there's more stupid out there than we'd care to think about. Frightening. Please don't try emulate it further, cause someone will die and it'll probably be you.

Generally, the comments under the original video convey that most people think such activity is typical of numpties. Well, the ones I could read, most of them are in Iranian.

As for the girls themselves, well, they were quick to post a picture of themselves being treated in hospital, because that's what life's all about now. Smart phones and stupid people = danger.