They didn't quite lol at his quip regarding his reliance on "genitalia driven comedy", but the sentiment rang true nonetheless. They seemed a lot more open to his appreciation for marijuana and being a massive House of Cards fan, however.

If the video's acting the maggot for you, like it was for us initially, here are just some of the highlights...

"First I should answer the question that I assume many of you are asking - yes, I am aware this has nothing to do with the legalisation of marijuana. In fact, if you can believe it, this concerns something that I find even more important... I started dating my wife Lauren nine years ago when her mother was almost 54 years old. It was during this trip, the first time I met my now mother-in-law, that Lauren first admitted to herself and then to me that something was off with her mother. Soon after this trip at 55 years old Lauren's mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's... That's right, the situation is so dire, that it caused me, a lazy, self-involved, generally self-medicated man-child, to start an entire charity organisation... I came here today for few reasons. One I'm a huge House of Cards fan... Two, people need more help. I've personally witnessed the massive amount of financial strain this disease causes... Three, to show people they are not alone, so few people share their personal stories."

Ben Affleck also spoke about the Democratic Republic of Congo at Capitol Hill on Wednesday. His video hasn't gone viral.

>Seth Rogen blasts senators on Twitter who were visibly absent from his Alzheimer's testimony