No water is cold enough to have an effect on the icy stare of Ireland and Aston Villa assistant manager Roy Keane. 

We've seen some great reactions to the Ice Bucket Challenge so far which have helped to raise millions all over the world for ALS and motor neuron diseases, and Roy Keane, a man who is involved in many different chairities (notably with the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind) has decided to get involved too. 

He was nominated by a friend, and chose to put Ireland gaffer Martin O'Neill forward for his nomination. Only problem being there is no water cold enough on this planet to penetrate the thick skin of the Corkman. 

Cool and composed, even under duress.  

If you want to support you can either help ALS by donating, or text 50300 to donate €2 IMNDA, the Irish charity that helps out over here.