Every generation thinks that the one that follows them are lazy and good for nothing, but perhaps fewer generations have gotten the charge so regularly leveled at them as the 'Millennials'.

They've been called self-obsessed and warned that they are too attached to their technology, but that doesn't mean that Generation Y can't still do some pretty amazing things. This video offers a rebuttal on behalf of all those who have been unfairly labelled as being all about "me, me, me", and shows that with a wealth of knowledge and connectivity at their finger tips, this generation is harnessing it into a powerful tool for good.

The people behind the project are Welzoo, a company that hopes to raise money for causes by simply getting people to change their homepage. If they agree to do so, they'll get served advertisements for websites in line with their interests, and a donation is made to charity every time they go online. 

Speaking to Mashable, Zach Firestone, co-founder of Welzoo, said "We can't escape the headlines about how technology continues to pull us apart, and how millennials, the first digital native generation, are in the driver's seat. Yet the counterargument seems fairly easy, because when you look around, you see young people doing amazing things to improve our world every day".

Via Mashable