Space. The final frontier. 

Decades of science fiction movies have built an idea in people's minds of what life at zero gravity would be like. For the more dirty minded of us who might have wondered what sex would be like at zero gravity, fear not, Neil deGrasse Tyson has got you covered. 

Tyson, as the host of the Star Talk talk show, answered one fan's questions about sex in space with a little bit of humour and all of the science. 

The key thing to know if you're planning to have sex during a weightless trip through space, is to be sure to bring some leather straps with you.

"If you want to sort of get together [and] stay together, you need something to, like, keep you together during all the normal body movements that would characterize having sex in space," Tyson said in the video.

"So yeah, just bring a lot of leather belts to keep things strapped down and you'll be just fine."

Via Mashable