And she is sick of you trying to think you can get Marion to make fetch happen. Or something to that effect.

Cotillard was doing the red carpet at the Toronto International Film Festival for her latest movie 'Blood Ties' and one unlucky journo who was bumped to the end of the line was on the receiving end of Cotillard's publicist Bryna Rifkin's less than pleasant side. Having been told by Rifkin that she won't be able to interview her, the reporter comments that she was told she could ask one question, to which Rifkin replies in full on troll bitch from hell publicist mode.

You know the ugly side of Hollywood people always talk about? Well this is one of those sides. Rifkin apparently also represents serial nice-celebs Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and more, so maybe the reason they're so nice is that they've managed to outsource their asshole into one vessel. You decide.