A 7-year-old boy who set up a hidden camera to try and catch Santa Claus in action got a pretty great surprise when he checked the video on Christmas morning. 

For kids all around the world, it's hard to get to sleep on Christmas Eve knowing that Santa is going to be dropping off a few presents, but 7-year-old Evan, who knows a thing or two about technology, was particulary interested to see if there was any way that he could get a glimpse of the big man in action.

He set up a GoPro camera to try and capture some footage of the elusive Father Christmas, and when he went back to check the tape on Christmas morning, he wasn't disappointed.

His uncle Dave Fisher was the man behind the beard, who ended up editing the video so that everything looked just right and staying up until 4am in the morning to get it done, but he said "the two hours of sleep was definitely worth it" just to see his nephew's reaction.

Via Tastefully Offensive