On the eve of the most fascinating US Presidential election in living memory, Stephen Colbert pulled out all the stops in order to encourage viewers to fulfill their civic duty and vote.

Recruiting his old pal, Jon Stewart and Hamilton star Javier Muñoz, Colbert used the power of song to communicate just how important every vote is. 

Colbert began the segment by commenting on the news that Donald Trump had his Twitter account taken away from him over the weekend. 

“That’s like taking away Batman’s utility belt. All you’re left with is a billionaire with anger issues," 

Colbert was then interrupted by a “ragamuffin” little girl who represented the jaded voters of America. After convincing her of the need to vote he had to then persuade Stewart. Although he was much easier to get on side. All Colbert had to do was mention that Trump was running for President. 

"That angry tax- and draft-dodging little orange groundhog is running for President?”