If playing someone gives you some insight into their being, we think that Johnny Depp is going easy on his description of Donald Trump.

Depp was appearing at a university in the US when he was asked about his portrayal of the presidential candidate.

"It’s not just about being a rich kid or anything like that," Depp told the audience gathered in Arizona State University. "I approached Donald Trump as what you kind of see in him when you really watch him. There’s a pretense. There’s something created about him in the sense of bullydom. But what he is, I believe, is a brat."

Depp played his version of Trump in Funny or Die's faux-biopic 'The Art of The Deal', bringing along his own hair and makeup team to complete his transformation into the Donald (which made for even more terrifying removal).

See Depp's opinion on Trump below.

Via EW