If you've been on Twitter this evening and were wondering what the hashtag '#MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain' was all about, you need to watch the video below.

Obviously it's in relation to Donald Trump, but what's the deal with 'Drumpf'?

If there have been any doubts about John Oliver's ability to step into the metaphorical breeches of his fellow commentator Jon Stewart, he has obliterated them with this spectacular take-down of the Republican candidate hopeful and his campaign.

Basically, it's the report that we've all been waiting for and wondering when someone was going to make happen.

Oliver's demolition of "serial liar" and "bullshit artist" Trump lasts for about twenty minutes, but he unearths details about his supposedly 'self-funded' campaign and takes pleasure in gleefully revealing that Trump's original family name was 'Drumpf'; “Fucking Drumpf!," he says. "Drumpf is much less magical. It’s the sound produced when a morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy. Drumpf: It’s the sound of a bottle of store-brand root beer falling off the shelf in a gas station minimart.”

The campaign to #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain starts now, apparently, and Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight' show registered the domain donaldjdrumpf.com where you can buy various Drumpf merch.

Watch the full video below: