Where we're going, we don't need roads! Because we've got a hoverboard.

Right, when we were 8-years-old, we designed a hoverboard using mainly a piece of cardboard and some markers, and if we jumped off our bed with it, we could get into the air for a fraction of a second. To us it was real, so this is really the second functional hoverboard that the wold has ever seen, but it might be slightly better than ours.

The people behind this invention are a California startup called Arx Pax who have worked with Hendo to create the first working hoverboard, and while it's a great achievement, it's the first step as far as they're concerned. They're offering developer kits for other engineers and tech heads to be able to improve upon the design or add their own flourishes to it, and hopefully push it on even further.

There are a few catches, however, as it only works over metal surfaces (it uses magnets to hover), it needs to be charged after around 15 minutes and it also costs $10,000. You'll also have to allow some extra money in the budget to buy these bad boys too.