The fun (or perhaps scary?) thing about GoPros is that you can't review the footage on the spot. You have to hook it up to your laptop that night and look back over everything then. 

Which means that there can be some fun surprises at the end of the day when you look back over the footage. Sometimes the surprises can be scary though. Frightening in fact. 

Such was the case for snowboarder Kelly Murphy. She was snowboarding at Hakuba 47 in Japan and was filming herself as she went. It wasn't until she looked back over the videos later that she saw that she had a follower on the way down. 

"I’m here with my girlfriends but they were doing lessons and I went off by myself. I’ve been snowboarding since I was a kid so I felt safe. I didn’t realise until I looked at the video today! I was freaking out when I saw it and showed my friends who told me to put it on youtube."

Some are claiming the video is a fake though. With some claiming the noise track of the bear growls can only be heard when the bear is on screen. Others point out that while brown bears are found on the country’s northern island, only black bears live in the wild on the mainland where this video was shot. This animal certainly looks like a brown bear.

What do you reckon? Real or fake?

Via Metro