Although starting out to a reasonably positive reaction, as the series progressed, Rebellion has been receiving decidedly mixed reviews across the board.

One of the main criticisms being leveled at it is the lack of historic accuracy. While we've fully aware that creative licences need to be taken when making a dramatic adaptation of an event, we can understand why audiences can be unforgiving in some instances. 

If you're one of those people that's been hung up on this issue then we've got the perfect remedy for you. May we present the Lego 1916 The Movie.

The stop motion film was created by the 3rd class students from Sunday's Well Boys National School in Co. Cork, along with some assistance by their teacher, Michael O'Connor. The film is entirely historically accurate and covers the main events of the Rising. 

The film took three weeks to complete and was made from old pieces of lego that Mr. O'Connor had from his childhood. 

Mr. O'Connor regularly uses lego as a teaching aide, citing that:  “It’s engaging, the pupils are learning and they are asking more questions. It is getting them to learn a subject without having to teach it. It open doors you wouldn’t even think of.”

Via The Irish Times