Conor McGregor has shot straight to the top of the featherweight division thanks to his raw talent and his charisma, but that hasn't proven popular with everyone. 

Least of all fellow UFC fighter Ricardo Lamas, who is also a featherweight, and has decided to take aim at the Irishman in this parody video. 

The video takes a look at a day in the life of "The Delirious" Conrad McGillicutty, and touches on a couple of Irish stereotypes, such as the fact that we drink a lot and say "top of the mornin". It also pokes fun at McGregor's flair for sharp suits and hints that he might not have taken on the toughest opponents on his trip to the top. 

Whatever the case, McGregor has the stats to back him up when he says that he hits harder and faster than anyone else in the division, and something tells us that he won't be too worried about Lamas until after his big fight on Sunday....nor possibly after it either.