Bella Thorne (for the legions of people who couldn't care less right now and therefore aren't 'expecting' anything) is a 17-year-old actress who's been doing the rounds since childhood. So I've mainly seen her posing gracefully on red carpets for the last few years. This is the first time I've heard her talk - or laugh, for that matter. 

The first time I heard Miley Cyrus / any of the Kardashians talk, it wasn't a surprise. Their red carpet image totally matched their projected persona. THIS interview, however, is probably the best introduction to a child star ever. She does not give a monkeys (an apt reference given Kimmel compares her to a Orangutan - which, in this case, isn't a gingerist reference). 

To most, this isn't news. To me, however, this is a revelation. Here's a 17-year-old star happily guffawing and talking about her unfortunate toilet-related reaction to once consuming 9 cups of Jalapeno peppers. I LOVE HER (laugh included). Please don't change.