Azealia Banks has apologised to Australian fans after storming off stage during a live performance in Melbourne after being hit by a can thrown from the crowd just 90 seconds into her performance.

The '212' rapper was in the middle of performing her new single 'ATM Jam' at the Listen Out Festival (which she was headlining) when a fan lobbed a can at her, prompting Banks to drop the microphone, turn her back on the crowd and hightail it off stage.

A statement from Banks' publicist said that the incident caused "Azealia and her stage crew feel unsafe" and that "Banks would like to apologise to those fans in the audience whose experience was affected by the behaviour of one individual."

Banks later addressed the Melbourne situation with the following tweet:

Some disgruntled Australian fans are now demanding their money back from the festival promoter. Banks has since made light of the situation on social media, saying: "The can definitely didn't hit me.....and I definitely still got paid. More press please, and thank you. -Xx AB"

Oddly, this isn't the first time that this incident has happened to Banks this week. Playing to 9,000 fans in Sydney earlier last week, Banks left the stage roughly half-way through her set after - yes - a can of beer was thrown at her.