Aidan Gillen's the latest Irish celebrity to speak out in favour of a Yes vote for the Marriage Equality Referendum.

The Dublin native recorded a heartfelt plea for the Vote With Us campaign and spoke eloquently about how people are viewing the referendum and what a No vote would mean for Ireland.

As well as this, he also rightly points out that organisations such as Barnardos, the ISPCC and many more have come out in favour of a Yes vote, despite campaigns such as MRM Ireland claiming that children will be put in danger if the vote is carried.

It's stirring stuff, to say the least, and reminds us all it's crucial we all do our part on May 22nd.

A recent survey revealed that only 55% of people under 35 will vote on the day, so it's important to do your part - whether it's for or against.

Here's Aidan's video.


Via VoteWithUs