Not content with being known just for their innovative flat-pack furniture, IKEA have decided that it's time to start improving their food offering too. 

If you've ever been to IKEA, then you probably found it pretty hard to resist buying yourself a serving of meatballs or some sort of grub on the way out, or on the way in to fuel your passage through the gargantuan structure and keep you focused on the things you actually need, rather than buying all the stuff that catches your eye. Then again, we do need new towels...

No, stop. We need to get back on track here. IKEA have decided that it's high time they catered for the vegetarians amongst us and have launched the new vegetarian-friendly meatballs (vegballs?), which they're calling GRÖNSAKSBULLAR in select European markets and the UK today. The rest of the world will have to wait for another few weeks, but they don't look half bad to be honest. 

Pic via Mashable/IKEA

Overall, IKEA are going to be changing their food offerings and by September promise to have a healthier, more homely feel to the menu and the restaurants for their visitors.

Via Mashable