I wonder what goes through Robert Pattinson's head when he's met with a wall of screaming tweens ordering him to "bite" them... Probably something along the lines of "Apologies, I must decline, for my secret lady is watching and she'll be sure to hurl a mountain of abusive Americanisms at me once we depart for whatever hotel we're sharing."

It's true, a fair few media outlets are making a fuss over the fact that Rob and Kristen was photographed "leaving the same hotel early in the morning." What's the big hubbub? They're doing a junket together it would be logistical lunacy if they chose to stay in separate hotels. Personally I was far more thrilled by the photo TMZ has of them holding hands while walking to their private jet in Paris en route to London. I'm easily thrilled.

Anyway, here are the photos of last night's 'UK Fan Party of the Twilight Saga: New Moon'held at Battersea Evolution.' And am I the only one who finds themselves enrapt by director Chris Weitz's favourite pair of colour morphing corduroys? See? Yellow. Orange. Yellow. Amazing.

The attending guest list didn't exactly set the world alight. There was Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, and some blonde in a tight red dress. But they did send along a swamp thing, which clearly impressed Kristen no end.