I don't know what it is that compels people to heckle comedians,firstly it's just annoying and secondly do you really know what you are putting yourself up against. You can guarantee the comedian will just make you look stupid. Here are the top ten comedians who put down hecklers with ease...

 Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis (aka Alan from the Hangover) berates a girl during his show who prefers to be on her phone during his performance. Stay watching until the end, it's the best part.

Jimmy Carr

This below clip is a full 11 minute clips of Jimmy Carr owning hecklers. With Carr's deadpan face and sarcastic wit, he handles hecklers very well.

Jamie Kennedy

There's nothing more annoying then someone who wants to ruin a comedian's set by correcting them. Whatever you think about Jamie Kennedy as a comedian there's no denying his comeback to this lady who decided to correct him is pretty funny.

Russell Brand

Why are most hecklers drunk girls looking for attention? Russell Brand deals with this attention seeking lady by giving her what she wants, much to the annoyance of the crowd.

Tommy Tiernan 

Only in Ireland would this work. Tommy Tiernan shuts a heckler up in the audience by getting the whole audience to tell her to shut the f$%k up. 

Patton Oswalt

In this clip Patton Oswalt was setting up a joke, which was also been recorded, only for it to be interrupted by a heckler adding to the pressure even more. In fairness to him he handles it brilliantly and gets some good material out of it.

Louis CK

If you're a fan of Louis CK you will know that the thing he hates most is hecklers at gigs. During this performance in Washington he shuts down a couple of hecklers that begin to annoy him.

Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan knows how to shut down a heckler usually in brutal style. In this case it's a drunk (drink brings out the confidence in people) girl who keeps interrupting his set to respond to everything he says. But when she doesn't give up, it's fair to say Rogan opens up a can of whoop ass on her.

Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks, one of greatest comedians ever, goes crazy at a heckler. Hicks loses at it when someone interrupts his performance and, well, it will probably make you think twice about heckling anyone EVER.

Bill Burr

Bill Burr takes on the whole of Philadephia in this clip. The audience at the Opie and Anthony travelling road show were really drunk and booed and jeered every comedian on the show. Burrs was already really pissed off after watching his peers get booed and heckled. Unlike the other comedians who just gave up, Burrs came on stage and verbally abused the crowd for his entire 11 minute set. It clearly worked though as it ended with him getting a standing ovation which he truly deserves.