You may have heard about Mila Kunis accepting a date with a US Marine Sgt Scott Moore after he attempted to woo her with a YouTube video inviting the Black Swan star to the Marine Ball in November. Well it seems that another member of the US armed forces has got in on the act. Kunis’s Friends With Benefits co-star Justin Timberlake has also been the recipient of an invitation, this time from Corporal Kelsey De Santis.

The video, which you can look at here, sees De Santis surrounded by marines and she states that “all she has to say is, cry me a river” if he’s unable to take her up on the date.

Timberlake responded in kind. “I’m honoured to accept”, he was quoted as saying adding that it wasn’t because he was intimidated by her martial arts skills, or the fact that “she was surrounded by burly guys in her video, I also like the fact that she name checked one of my songs in her invitation”.

Mila Kunis has also put to bed suggestions that she was looking for a way out of her Afghanistan date. “I can tell you that I am definitely going and I am honoured to be asked!”, she said.

Who knew getting a celeb date was this easy?! Who would you send a YouTube invite to and what would you say? Answer in the comments below.

John Balfe

Sheena McGinley is away.