What an age we live in - we can now fall asleep and still not miss a minute of our favourite TV shows. 

Over the Christmas, a lot of us are going to end up eating too much food, stuffing our faces with chocolate and then having a sugar crash, which will lead to us dozing off on the couch and missing our favourite TV show or movie. With the help of technology, those days may be a thing of the past. 

Two teenagers from the UK, Ryan Oliver (15) and Jonathan Kingsley (14), who are students at the Manchester Creative Studio, have come up with a piece of wearable technology that can tell when you've gone for a quick snooze in front of the box, and then automatically hit pause or start recording while you get some shut eye. 

The KipstR band, as it is known, is still only a prototype at the moment, but in conjunction with Virgin media, the 3D printed device will be offered to customers on a trial run soon. 

It uses a pulse oximeter, which normally  is used to diagnose sleep disorders, and Virgin think that in the future it could be used to measure your emotional reaction to a show and then suggest similar programs for you, or maybe even be connected to other systems and devices in your home, such as your heating. 

Via Mashable. Main pic via Mashable