As far as we're concerned, if you're going to talk about what goes on in the bathroom, the topic of conversation better be kept to one thing only.

Yep, reading material.

We used to big fans of books, newspapers, magazines, and the like, but what with the digital already upon us, we've moved with the times. The only problem is, there's so much to pick from(if in doubt pick us, please pick us!) so much like you do with Netflix, you spend more time searching for stuff than actually viewing any of it.

Well not anymore, thanks to Poopfiction, a new app that allows you to pick the length of a story you need to get you through the toilet times. 

Depending on the serious of the situation, you can choose from tiny, short, medium, and long stories, which should cater for every need.

Here's a few examples of the longer and shorter pieces. Yes, we've already got the app.

Via Metro