It's a bit of a bum job... 

Learning to properly perform a prostate exam is no easy task, and patients (presumably) don't want to hear that a student doctor will perform the procedure just to get some practice in. With that in mind, scientists at the University of Florida, Drexel University and the University of Wisconsin banded together to come up with a unique solution: a robotic butt named Patrick. 

Patrick comes with a replica rear end, as well as software that gives students feedback on how much pressure they're applying, if they're performing the procedure correctly and allows them to practice their bedside manner so that they can interact with the patient in what is a pretty delicate moment. 

Pic via Andrew Robb/University of Florida

Speaking to KQED Science, lead researcher on the project Dr. Benjamin Lok said that "Our goal is to get students more comfortable with these mortifying scenarios. There aren’t enough opportunities for students to practice, which causes them a lot of anxiety."

Pic via Andrew Robb/University of Florida

They hope to make the software more widely available in the coming months and years, as well as to help develop Patrick, making a more complicated software that can challenge students further and prep them for any scenario they might encounter. 

Via DesignTaxi. Pics via Andrew Robb/University of Florida