Who knew Germans were such chocolate spread fans? Who are we kidding, we all knew they love it, but this is taking it to extremes.

'Professional thieves' apparently made off with over 5 tonnes of the chocolatey good stuff which was in a truck parked in a disused railway station in Niederaula north of Fulda in central Germany. Doesn't sound like a set up at all does it? Especially considering thieves emptied a trailer full of coffee to the value of €13,000 only two weeks ago in the same spot, and several tonnes of Red Bull being stolen before that. Someones either stocking up for an apocalypse or is throwing the most over-caffeinated and sugared up party ever.

The Nutella was valued at €16,000 and police are looking for information about the culprits. Maybe just check all the hospitals for the recent admissions of people with rapid onset diabetes.