It's over, stock up the bunker because we're seriously finished this time.

Well, either that or something hundred of millions of miles away which poses no threat to us is doing something a little strange. But, y'know, IT'S IN SPACE!

A NASA spacecraft has spotted a black hole the size of fifty Earth's hovering over the sun, but their scientists have assured the world that it's not going to swallow up the sun or make it explode, or doing anything cool really.

The coronal hole materialised last week, and is actually the reason for all the Northern Lights we've been seeing lately, as it released a number of particles towards Earth. We say released, it shot them at a rate of 500 miles per second. After hitting our atmosphere they caused all the pretty colours we've been seeing. 

So as far as we can tell this thing is sound. We'll keep you updated on whether or not it turns out to be a bit of a prick, like that guy at a party who seems cool when you meet him at first, but over the course of the night you realise is extremely opinionated and a refers to himself in the third person. Yeah.

Anyway, until then.. 

Via Metro