You have to commend her commitment to the cause. Not only is Kim Kardashian not letting being pregnant slow her down, she's also not letting it dictate what she wears. And unfortunately we have to bear witness to it. If you are a person who can't deal with feet, look away now.

Kim is continuing to wear what she wants, when she wants, squashing what seems like her ever growing body into couture defying convention and the laws of physics. Her latest fashion choice though is turning stomachs, as she has managed to squash her feet into a pair of perspex stilettos, displaying the amount of squish happening with frightening clarity. Seriously, our feet hurt looking at her muffin topping in those shoes.

Poor Kim is insisting on traveling and getting out and about as much as possible pre-baby, giving us our fill of Kardashian fashion while she can. A for effort Kimmy.

Still, at least she didn't pull a Julianne Moore at Cannes, who has no excuse for the horror she inflicted on the world.