While we're sure it will come as no surprise to all the confident lads around the country, a new survey has shown that Irish men are very popular abroad when it comes to romance. 

A new survey from the website Hostelbookers asked 11,000 travellers about their holiday romances and their dirtiest secrets when it comes to hooking up abroad, and there were a few surprising results. 

Plenty of cheating seems to go on, while a holiday together is the last straw for a good few couples with nearly half of those surveyed splitting up as a result. There were also some stats about where hostel goers tend to get down to business, which are the most unfaithful nations, and plenty of other tidbits, but one particular section grabbed our attention. 

It turns out that women around the world agree on one thing, and that is that they are big fans of Irish men: with 79% of the vote, they came in as the most desirable to have a holiday romance with. Also in the running were Australians, Brits and Italians, while men decided that they fancied Russian women the most.

Have a gawk at the full infographic here, and click on the picture for a larger image if you need it.  

That will make pleasant reading for the lads out there, so don't be surprised if you hear of a few more than usual are heading off backpacking before the summer is over.

Via Hostelbookers.com