December is upon us, and between food and drink, we're going to be over-indulging a little bit in the coming weeks.

For many of us, that might mean that we get a little bit carried away with the drink, and probably not for the first time. As the social calendar starts to pack up for all of us, Lifeline Hangover Defence (a 100% natural vitamin and mineral based food supplement in capsule form, designed to work against hangovers from the moment you start drinking) has conducted research into the drinking and hangover habits of the nation's adults, and it seems that we will be making the most of the party season, with 26% planning up to eight nights out over Christmas.

With most work parties taking place during December it's interesting to note that a whopping 75% of Irish adults have pulled a sickie from work as a result of a hangover, which is shocking behaviour and something that we've absolutely, positively never done. Those who do call into work sick after the office party may also be suffering from ‘the fear’ as 20% of Irish adults have told their boss what they really think while under the influence and a further 19% have leaked a juicy piece of office gossip to a colleague. Romance also seems to be on the cards with a staggering 70% saying they have hooked up or been intimate with a co-worker at the office party, so keep that in mind when you're knocking back that fifth wine on the night. 

With the party season in full swing a quarter of those surveyed who have experienced a hangover claimed to feel exhausted all day with 30% experiencing a busting headache and aching body, 1 in 5 people suffer from a sick stomach and 11% admit to feeling narky, emotional and even paranoid. These are hardly surprising findings however, as 40% of Irish adults consume 5-10 alcoholic drinks on a night out and a staggering 28% admit to consuming more than 10 drinks on a regular night. Seriously, that's way too much, and should never be attempted.

To solve the pounding pain of a hangover, us Irish have a few trusty, go-to hangover cures with strong coffee (21%), a breakfast roll (19%) and a brisk walk (11%) topping the list of favourite hangover cures. Energy drinks, hair of the dog, copious amounts of tea, painkillers and takeaways also proved popular as hangover cures. For many, a few tricks tp help prevent a hangover before a night out included eating a good wholesome meal (23%), drinking loads of water or taking a vitamin boost in a bid to prevent the dreaded hangover.