What do you get the Fleetwood Mac fan who has everything?

Well, duh - a Stevie Nicks Barbie, of course.

The idea of a doll version of the legendary rock vocalist was a mere pipe dream up until now - but with Barbie's popularity reaching fever pitch this year thanks to the film, it seems like new possibilities are now endless.

What's more, Nicks herself is only thrilled with her own doll, which is the latest in the Music Series Barbie line by manufacturers Mattel. Previous musicians who have been turned into Barbies include Tina Turner and Gloria Estefan.

Nicks brought the doll out on stage at her Madison Square Garden show the other night and reportedly spent several minutes talking about it to the crowd.

Yesterday, she said in an interview with The Today Show that the doll was like her "happy pill."

"I have been living in my own Barbie Universe since March, and I can honestly say that this little person makes me happy," she said. "And that’s the thing I love about her the most. I can be in the worst, worst mood, and I walk in and see her — she’s like my happy pill. I instantly feel better. I have so many reasons to love her."

She added: "She’s the Rumours me, when I was 29 years old. But she’s also me now. It sounds impossible, but it’s not impossible somehow. Maybe that’s just the spirit of her — the spirit of Stevie Barbie and the spirit of me, blended together in this little person and it just emanates from her… It’s like seeing my younger self. She brings back memories that I had forgotten. When I look at her, I think of stuff that has gone out of my mind."