Here's a wee back story. Eminem, being the long toothed juvenile he is, has finally gotten around to releasing another album of bile. One track, entitled Bagpipes from Baghdad, takes pot shots at easy targets, like Mariah Carey. Her husband of one year (one whole year! *shakes pom poms*) is not happy. And he's blogged as much:

"So as I further examine the track, I hear dude cross the line. He begins to call my wife out of her name! Now as y'all know, I don't take that type of nonsense lightly. So on some grown man shit I'm instantly like, I got to get at this Lame. I know it's only entertainment and I'm all for freedom of speech. But I'm from the school of thought where if you are tough enough to talk shit, you got to be tough enough to deal with the consequences that come with tough guy shit talking! Then the little angel on my shoulder said, 'No Nicholas, there is no need to play into his negativity. He is just a troubled soul yearning for the lost spotlight. You must be Christ like and turn the other cheek.' But then the dude on the other shoulder said, 'What Nigga?! Is you scared?! You can't let no man ever disrespect your wife! Especially not some Peroxide drenched homophobic has-been! This is like some Paquiao vs. Hatton shit! He is underestimating you with his ass out and you can drop him in the first round!... So Miss Marshall, I'm going to make you wish you never spoke my name and regret the ungodly things you said about my wife. This is going to be fun! It's however you want it! Just remember, you did this to yourself! Your legacy has now been tainted from this day forth! You will now be known as the rapper who lost to Corny-ass Nick Cannon!!!'
