Of his 16 year marriage to Eve Marvraki, McGregor told the Daily Record:

"I still feel we are beginners. I've been in my relationship for a very long time. There are always new things that happen - things that surprise you or you discover about yourself and your partner all the time. However the feeling, the lovely feeling of being with someone for a really long time, it's not about being a beginner - it's the fact you know each other so well and you're so comfortable in each other's company. It's about where it goes from there. That's what makes our relationship, our marriage, our partnership. It's so wonderful... I don't think having separate bathrooms is a key to a successful marriage if you love each other. I think loving each other is the most important part of it, whether you share a bathroom or not. I don't have any secrets other than that. I found my partner, my life partner, and I really am in love with my wife and we have a lovely time together. We share a long history together and (three) children together and that's it. It's not because I do a certain gesture that she stays with me or anything. I think it's just because we love each other."