Sometimes, science makes quantum leaps in fields of research that stand the test of time.

So it goes with the scientists and researchers at Utah State University, who have figured how to solve an issue that has plagued mankind since the invention of pants - back-splashing.

The invention, which was presented at the American Physical Society's division of Fluid Dynamics, acts as a sort of "urine black hole" that soaks up toilet water and urine.

Basing their design on moss, which absorbs rain water naturally, the device acts as a target to aim your eh... stream... which minimises back-splashing.

An APS bulletin explains it further, stating that "with this natural splash suppressor in mind, we search for the ideal urine black hole by performing experiments of simulated urine streams (water droplet streams) impacting macroscopic pillar arrays with varying parameters including pillar height and spacing, draining and material properties. We propose improved urinal insert designs based on our experimental data in hopes of reducing potential embarrassment inherent in wearing khakis."

It's not just khakis, mind. Shorts, light-coloured jeans, suit trousers - any kind of fabric that's light in colour and material is an issue.

Years from now, we'll look back on the days before this device and wonder how we survived.

