So we can't even look at cakes anymore?

A review of studies in the Brain and Cognition journal has suggested that spending your time looking at fatty foods all day might be making you gain weight.

Obviously Instagram is one of the main culprits, but cooking shows aren't helping either, as researchers say that looking at all of those cakes an pastries is making you crave them more.

By looking at the food you crave, you salivate, which quickly raises your insulin levels as your body prepares itself food the food it thinks it's about to eat.

Researchers think that due to the amount of "food porn" being shared on social media, as well as on TV, this problem is contributing to the obesity crisis. 

That's not the only effect looking at food has on your body. One study in the review claimed that the more you look at a certain food, the less you enjoy the taste once you finally get your hands on it.

So basically, don't eat nice food, don't look at it, don't even think about it, and then you might be OK. Maybe. We hope.

Via Metro