Have you seen the video? You should watch the 'My Life as a Movie Star is SUCH a Chore - Ooh! Salman Rushdie is Eating My Hair!' video before you read the rest of this piece - it'll make you appreciate it all the more. And, in case you've not put your ears through it yet, please accept my apologies for being the bearer of this blight; the girl makes Nico sound like a cherub... Scarlett Johansson, who's releasing her ode to Tom Waits on May 19th, said she might not ever be able to perform the covers live: "I have crippling stage fright so it would be a challenge for me. It would be a shame to not play it out because it's a massive sound, so it would be cool to hear in a large space. But I think it would be weird to do a whole show of covers... I think maybe at a festival, it would be nice to play with a band (so they could drown out my drone), I'd have to think about it, to get my head around singing it in front of people." Yeah, so isn't that great news?!! Yay to crippling stage fright!