Strap yourselves in, for we are scuttling all over the globe today, checking out our favourite celeb hair and makeup looks of the last seven days. And between Paris Fashion Week and Cinderella screenings taking place, we've been spoilt for choice.

Lily James gets our pick of the week - the look is understated but dear God, her skin is flawless and her hair, though it probably took five hours to do, looks perfectly undone.

And Allison Williams comes a close second – lashes that long and hair that shiny, this woman knows her grooming (celeb style, not monkey style).

Just while we're at it... And *whispers* has fake tan finally fallen out of favour? Everyone is looking refreshingly pale and interesting.

Feel free to have a gander through some of our faves below, and - should the whim take you - let us know if you’ll be taking any pretty pointers from any of these looks.

For example - "Good Lord, Jennifer Connolly, how do you not age? You are still Sarah from Labyrinth!"