Who knew trying to cross the ocean in an inflatable hamster wheel, or as they'e more commonly known 'zorbs' was a bad idea?

Almost everyone. Except of course the subject of this piece, one Mr. Reza Baluchi. 

Members of the US Coast Guard were forced to rescue Baluchi on Sunday after his hamster wheel or 'Hydropod' as he referred to is as, was deemed to be 'manifestly unsafe'. 

This isn't the first time it's happened either. In 2014, the US Coast Guard found Baluchi in his pod off the coast of Miami, dazed and asking for directions to Bermuda. 

Prior to this attempt, the Coast Guard advised Baluchi not to go on this trip, reminding him of his previous mistakes and frankly just how unsafe it is to try and zorb from South Florida to Bermuda. The zorbing was only a small portion of the undertaking that Baluchi was attempting. He wants to run through 198 countries. A grand total of 88,000 miles. He expected the feat to take him four years. 

You can see his Indiegogo campaign page here. His campaign ended in September of last year after two months. During which time he raised $37 of his $850,000 goal.