Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

That's the message JK Rowling hangs her hat on anyways. The Harry Potter author responded to fan's comment about getting rejected by publishers and the stories she shared might shock you. 

Fans immediately begged Rowling to share some of the letters online. She said they were tucked away in the attic but she did share rejection letters she received under the pen name 'Robert Galbraith'. That's right, she was getting rejection letters even after she became one of the best selling authors on the planet.

As she says in the tweet, Rowling was posting the rejection letters for inspiration for other writers rather than revenge, hence she blocked out the names and signatures of the publishers. Another shocking thing to learn was that lightning does indeed strike in the same place twice. 

That publisher must be pulling their hair out at this stage!

Via Mashable