Remember when you were a kid and you were forced to go shopping with your parents and it was the worst? Or worse furniture shopping? Or, the absolute worst way to spend your Saturday, carpet shopping?

Well this kid is us. All of us. Except that he just so happened to hit peak 'I'M SO BORED' while his parents, departing United States Secret Service agent and his wife, were meeting Barack Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in June, and today the White House decided to share the image with the caption 'President Barack Obama visits with a departing United States Secret Service agent and his wife as their son dives into a couch in the Oval Office, June 23, 2014.'.

Kid, we don't know your name, but we've got two thumbs way up for you.

Via Buzzfeed/Header image CC-BY-SA-3.0/Matt H. Wade at Wikipedia