WARNING: this is not a joke, this is a real thing and upsetting though it may seem, thousands - if not millions - of euro will be spent by the parents of teenage girls who'd like to believe that each bottle of 'Our Moment' contains a drop of post-concert sweat (or alternatively a tear) from each member of One Direction. (I'd want Harry's, for what it's worth).

Just as we're moments away from actually hurling on account of the severe One Direction-itis we've been suffering from of late, we can't NOT comment on the ridiculousness that is their new fragrance, on sale in Ireland today. We recommend you keep a handy dose of motilium on your person at ALL times as 'Our Moment' advertisements (like this one below) will begin popping up here there and everywhere, as the fivesome cash in on the momentum provided by their documentary movie, This Is Us (which conveniently hits cinemas this week too. Like OMG).

Now we're highly doubtful that their bespoke perfume was the brainchild of any of the band members themselves, but more so a money-hungry lightbulb moment of the 'let's take 'em for all their worth' powers that be who stand behind the world's most famous boyband. Of course the screaming, crying teenage fans are going to kick and fuss until their parents fork out for a bottle of the no doubt vom-inducing, vanilla-y scent. What's worrying is that the legion of fans they've amassed are so batshit crazy, they'll probably fall short of drinking it too.

The ad is HIGH-LARIOUS. It's clear that the lads know it's complete and utter bollocks and so have decided to take the piss; just look at Harry sniffing those flower petals as though they've given him a horn while Niall inhales the perfume as though he's just felt a girl's baps for the very first time. Ridiculous as they may agree it is, they've no qualms in exploiting the world's prepubescent population with another form of sugar-coated propaganda, and that is rather distressing.

For those interested in purchasing a bottle, it comes in a soft pink glass vessel and as Harry tells us, it smells like a summer's day. Original. Oh and it costs 49 squiddlers for a 100ml bottle.