Oh how the Americans got it right this time. President Obama appeared on 'The Tonight show with Jay Leno' last night and boy did he smile, crack a few jokes and still manage to talk serious stuff. He looked every bit the suave Rat Pack President with an easy smile and a gentle stride as he greeted Leno to the rapturous applause of the audience, as Jay's house band cracked out 'Hail to the Chief'.
So, his first point of call was talking about the Secret Service and how he can't walk 750 yards to a playground as it's too far and when he does get to walk somewhere a defibrillator is in tow, just in case.

He looked great, nice dark grey suit and a red tie, but then again, if he was dressed as Fred Flintstone, I think he'd still look hot.
As the interview went on, he explained that even though there is an economic crisis, he needs the American people to have faith in him. As for AIG, he admitted that he was stunned that big bonuses were paid out to employees over the weekend and he would "do everything in his power to get them back".

Now, a lot of people (not naming any one in particular, especially those Middle Americans) may have an issue that a president went on to a talk show instead of sitting in the Oval Office looking at government budgets and peace agreements. But let's look at the bigger picture; he wants to reach out to every single American and let them know that he is their leader and their friend.
Go Obama WOooOO *Punches in to the air*

To see the interview, check it out on Best of the Web

-Alicia Coyle

(Sheena McGinley is away)