Not so much in demeanor; more in features. A certain Dr. Martin Braun made the following part of his cosmetic medicine conference in Australia: "Nicole seems to get her Botox done two or three weeks before a big event so when she, for instance, goes up on stage to collect her Academy Award she looks frozen and strange. She looks like a bat with too much of a brow lift, the middle of the brow's been dropped. She's crying when she accepts her Oscar but nothing is moving. That's really doing nothing to help our job because we've got women coming to us saying that's what we don't want to look like." Oscar eh? That means Nicole's been a slave to the jab since 2003... Dr. Braun went on to say that 99% of actors use Botox but "they just don't like admitting it, that's all." Most of them don’t need to. Here's staring blankly at you Angelina Jolie, Kylie, Christian Slater...