He's been spotted canoodling with another actress by the name of Riley Keough?! But sure they were only spotted house-hunting a few months back. This is all too much.

So who is Riley Keough? She is the daughter of Lisa Marie Presley (therefore making her the granddaughter of one Elvis) and her most famous role to date according to IMDB was her debut in The Runaways. So she's not exactly won any Oscars as yet. Far be it for me to add needless fuel to a fire here, but perhaps Nicholas may enjoy being the more famous part of a coupling for a change. 

The New York Post reports the pair were spotted "at No. 8’s Philo Prom party Wednesday. 'They were sitting arm-in-arm in a booth with Adam Lambert and Charl Brown,' says a spy. Another source added the pair 'looked cozy,' but Hoult was also talking to 'a bunch of other girls'."

Seemingly reps for Lawrence and Hoult have so far "not responded for comment."