Most of look at our phones far too often throughout the day. 

We check it before we've gotten out of bed in the morning (and before we go to sleep at night), we check it during important family gatherings and worst of all we check it mid-conversation with actual people. 

"That's crazy!" you say, "I don't check my phone that often."

Really? Let us ask you something. Are you reading this article on your phone? 

We know, right?

Consultancy firm Deloitte, has surveyed almost 50,000 people, ages 18 to 74, in over thirty countries for its annual Global Mobile Consumer Survey. According to the results, nearly half of America checks their phone 25 times a day, every day on average. 

The survey also showed that 17 per cent of people check their smartphones immediately once they wake up in the morning, and 43 per cent check them within five minutes. On the other end of things,13 per cent of people check their phones immediately before falling asleep, and 33 per cent check them within five minutes before drifting off. 

It shouldn't really come as much of a shock though. Society encourages to do most of our every day tasks online and as a species we're all about convenience. So when you can check your emails, call your mother, set your fantasy football team and look at funny cat videos all on this one tiny device that fits in your pocket, why wouldn't you be checking your phone regularly? 

To be honest we expected it to be worse.