Be it leg day or first thing in the morning, sometimes we need a shot of caffeine to get us going before we head to they gym.

For that, a lot of us turn to energy drinks like Red Bull or a shot like five hour energy, but there are plenty of ways to get that caffeine fix before you darken the door of the gym. However, how much caffeine is contained in what drink, and what's the best way to get it?

Men's health have put together this handy chart that looks at how much jolt is in your coffee or beverage of choice, and some of the results might surprise you a little bit. 

For the Man Cave's preference, a nice strong black coffee does the trick, as you want to try and minimise the amount of sugar and processed foods that you take in. If you're stuck, a sugarfree Red Bull does the trick too, just be wary of the crash afterwards. Besides, on a cold morning like we're getting this winter, a home-made cup of joe will warm the bones as it kicks you in to gear.

Via Men's Health/Penny Brooks/Twitter. Main pic via jaci XIII/Flickr