By now, most casual internet users have moved on from Internet Explorer to check out other offerings from the likes of Mozilla and Chrome, and Microsoft have noticed. 

That's why with the release of Windows 10, they've decided to ditch the name Internet Explorer and go for a whole new direction, one which they've code named Project Spartan. Cool, right? They think so, and the consumer research seems to show that too, with people responding well to new browsers that contain the word Microsoft, so you can expect to be surfing the web on Microsoft Spartan (or something like that) in the near future. 

However, with that comes the demise (more or less) of the Internet Explorer brand, and being a much maligned browser as it is, the internet is having plenty of fun with the news that it's headed to the big desktop in the sky. 

In a way, it's sad to think that we'll never see this again.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Via The Verge, i100