The Electoral College is officially expected to elect Donald Trump has President today but Michael Moore has made a last minute plea to any Republican members that might be having second thoughts. 

The electoral college, which has 538 members with a number allocated to each state, will hold meetings today to officially elect the next President of the United States. It is often seen as a rubber stamp process for members to vote for members to vote for whichever candidate won the most votes in their state. Never before has the college blocked the result of the public vote.

In fact, some states have measures in place to prevent college members from rebelling. It means they could be subject to fines should they go against the public vote in their state. 

In a bid to lift this burden from any Republican members who might be considering voting against Trump, filmmaker Michael Moore has pledged to pay their fines should states punish them for voting with their conscience. 

“Here’s my offer to you" Moore said in a post on his Facebook page. "I obviously can’t and won’t give you money to vote tomorrow, but if you do vote your conscience and you are punished for it, I will personally step up [and] pay you fine which is my legal right to do so,"

In the post Moore pleaded with Republican members not to vote for Trump, citing the allegations that Russian hackers interfered with the Presidential election and leaked emails from the Democratic Party. 

“Republican electors, you have a chance tomorrow to fix this, to make it right, for yourselves as Republicans and for the country. Please find the courage to seize this historic moment where you put country over party,” he wrote.

Larry Lessig, a Harvard University Law professor, has claimed that as many as 30 Republican members are prepared to break their pledge and vote against Donald Trump but so far only one elector, Chris Suprun of Texas, has publicly confirmed that he will vote against him. 

You can read Moore's post in full below:

Via Independent UK