It's clear that Michael Lohan has a type - exploitative sorts. This sweeping statement comes upon hearing that the mother of his alleged lovechild is backing her 13-year-old daughter's sudden quest to land a record deal. According to MSNBC: "A record-industry insider says, 'Ashley (Kaufmann) has more talent than Lindsay or Ali.' A Lohan family source adds, 'Ashley's singing ability just proves that the family talent comes from Michael (Lohan), not Dina Lohan'." I suspect Michael stuffed a hanky into his yapper and rang MSNBC himself to give the latter statement.

While Michael was busily trying to "get a celebrity weekly to help him with child-support payments" (he reportedly "approached both OK! and People magazines with the offer of his exclusive story, should paternity tests prove he's her biological father". Oh and to see if they'd be interested in getting the first shots of Lindsay together with her new sister. Both magazines declined his offer. He was willing to do it for $20k), the rest of the Lohan family, and the odd girlfriend, were celebrating Lindsay's 22nd birthday in at various meaningless venues around L.A.