It's like Don't Tell The Bride, but with added Kanye/paranoia. Kim probably doesn't even know that Beyonce and Jay Z have now decided to go (after initially declining) now that it's not being filmed, or that they're the wedding band, or that Jay Z has decided he'll be best man.

According to sources confiding/being paid by TMZ, "Kanye has cut his bride-to-be out of the wedding planning entirely." Not that he's a control freak, or anything.

Unlike Kanye, TMZ have kindly shared what they know about the pending nuptials, should you be interested: apparently the ceremony itself will take place in Versaille, while the reception will take place in "a 16th century fort" - in Florence. How convenient - particularly for the guests who haven't a bog's notion how they're going to skip from one country to another in time for the prosecco.

She's probably better off not knowing what's going on - weddings are streeeeesssfull. Especially when it's taking place in two separate countries.

If you've maintained enough interest in this article to read it in full, you'd probably like to see the guna from the header image in full. It's OK, you deserve it.

Yep, and that's a dress just for knocking about in, what in the name of Jaysis will the wedding dress entail? My money's on a train of doves and an integrated bubble/confetti machine. Well, it is reportedly Valentino.